Sunday, April 16

CRACKSHOT, OR CRACKPOT?—barnstorming couple pull William Tell stunt

18th April 1977
It could be a stunt from television’s Monty Python. But this is a real—life spectacular from a completely different Flying Circus. Out of the clouds roars an old Tiger Moth with a young crackshot perched perilously on its top wing. Down below his fiancée waits on a target board surrounded by balloons. READY: Pilot Barry Tempest homes in on the target. STEADY: Graham Tyson measures aim with his Colt 38. FIRE! A balloon burst inches away from blonde Christine Good. She smiles as the plane wheels round. Graham fires again – and incredibly, pop goes another balloon. No doubt about it, "Colonel Crackshot" Graham is clever with it. For he can easily ride questions like: Were the holes found in the board really made by your gun? Is there a hidden partner in the act? How’s it all done? Graham replied: "You don’t get a conjuror answering such questions." The magical mystery show was performed by the Barnstormers Flying Circus before a 10,000 crow Sywell, near Northampton. Christine, a librarian, said: "Taking part in the act is the best way I can prove how much I love Graham – I’d do anything for his sake."

PICTURED: Christine raises a laugh as the balloons burst.