Thursday, February 16

WIFE WHO WHACKED HUSBAND WALKS—Mrs. Errington not in error in ending her ex via evisceration

February 5 1981
A bride of just three months who stabbed her violent husband to death walked free from Cardiff Crown Court on Thursday 5th. February. Sandra Errington, 23, was cleared of murdering her husband Michael, and the jury also found her not guilty of manslaughter. She knew that 31-year-old Errington was a dangerous psychopath with several convictions when she married him, but love conquered her fears and the beatings to which she was subjected, both before and after the wedding. The tragedy occurred after Errington had been drinking. He grabbed Sandra by the throat but she managed to struggle free and in self defense she stabbed him through the heart. After the trial her brother Georffrey Davies said: "She has had a dreadful ordeal. All the wants to do now is to go back into the arms of her family and try to forget." The couple lived of Pontyclan in mid-Glamorgan, where Errinton was a factory worker.

PICTURED: Not guilty…."I didn’t want to hurt him – I loved him so much," sobbed Sandra Errington at her trial for murder.